


Azithromycin (Known as Zithromax) has a place in the class of prescriptions called macrolide anti-infection agents and is correspondingly named anti-infection erythromycin. In short, this is one of the most popular and oldest antibiotics that has been used for many years.

What does Azithromycin do?
Azithromycin ought to be utilized distinctly to treat or forestall diseases that are demonstrated or emphatically suspected to be brought about by bacterial microscopic organisms to prevent the advancement of antimicrobial opposition.

Azithromycin is demonstrated for the treatment of patients with mellow to direct diseases brought about by susceptible microorganisms recorded in the particular conditions. It works by meddling with a bacterium’s capacity to deliver proteins, along these lines hindering development.

Benefits of Azithromycin
Azithromycin is utilized to treat and prevent various diseases or infections:

Prevent Skin infections and ear infections
Treat Respiratory tract infections like bronchitis, pneumonia, and whooping cough
Forestall heart infection
Treatment of STDs.
In combination with hydroxychloroquine, this medication is also reported to treat COVID – 19
Dosage Recommendations
Acute bacterial diseases: 500 mg / day
Pneumonia: 500 mg / day
Skin infections: 500 mg initial for 4 days than can be decreased to 250 mg/day
DO NOT take this medicine if you are pregnant without a doctor’s recommendation
The medicine can be taken with or without a meal
Why buy from us?
Azithromycin is amongst the product category of Pharmaceutical Grade Products. These are the highest quality grade of medications available in Canada and worldwide.

Please note: The above article is written for entertainment purposes only. PGAnabolics does not condone or recommend the use of any prescription medications. Ensure to consult a doctor or medical professional prior to using any medication.


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