


Rosuvastatin, more popularly recognized by the name Crestor is a Statin. Statins are utilized along with a proper diet to bring down blood levels of “Bad” cholesterol (low-thickness lipoprotein, or LDL), to expand levels of “good” cholesterol (high-thickness lipoprotein, or HDL), and to bring down fatty substances (a kind of fat in the blood). Rosuvastatin is likewise used to treat genetic sorts of elevated cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia): The heterozygous kind (acquired from one parent) or the homozygous kind (acquired from the two guardians).

The use of statins has started to become more common amongst bodybuilders over the years. Many Anabolic Steroids, especially oral steroids tend to increase LDL levels and decrease HDL levels. Statins such as Rosuvastatin are sometimes used by bodybuilders to mitigate the negative effects induced by Anabolic Steroids and Sarms on their cholesterol levels.

For general information: LDL is responsible for carrying cholesterol from the liver to the cells, while HDL does the exact opposite. So if LDL levels end up being too high and the ratio of HDL is not optimal, it can increase a person’s risk for heart disease.

How Rosuvastatin improves your body
Rosuvastatin is utilized alongside a legitimate eating regimen to help

lower the bad cholesterol and fats, (for example, LDL, fatty substances) and
Raise “high density” cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.
Reduce the amount of cholesterol made by the liver.
Dosage Recommendations
Introductory dosage: 10 mg to 20 mg orally once every day

Dosage for the maintenance: 5 mg to 40 mg orally once per day

Maximum dosage: 40 mg (saved for the individuals who have not accomplished their LDL-C objective with a 20 mg portion)

Why buy from us?
Rosuvastatin is amongst the product category of Pharmaceutical Grade Products. These are the highest quality grade of medications available in Canada and worldwide.

Please note: The above article is written for entertainment purposes only. PGAnabolics does not condone or recommend the use of any prescription medications. Ensure to consult a doctor or medical professional prior to using any medication.


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